When I listen to my favourite music or songs, I forget all my worries, I don't know why. I think that's the power of music! I have a feeling of attachment with the Supreme Soul when I listen to good music. Does that happen with you as well?
You must have seen all the news coming about everything and nothing from everywhere and nowhere about drugs, farmers, the virus and much, much more.
Even I did, I tried to peek deep into the picture. It was a clear and messy one...
These questions came to my mind —
How was their personal chat assessed?
Why are they protesting?
Why is the government quiet?
Why is this world full of cheats?
Why is God not coming to save the Earth now, by taking another avatar?
What will happen now?!
Uff...! (Like Mehak says😜)
Just wake up early in the morning once...
Switch off all the lights...
And just sit on your bed peacefully with your eyes closed or looking outside the window at the dark morn sky...
Such a serene feeling...
I have myself experienced that.
I always thought everybody is so good in this world then why do my guiders say that be careful of this world. As I am growing, I have realised this really is the case. I never realised that people can be so malicious, they can have so base thoughts. I thought the politicians work for our good but I am not really sure about that now. I was a fool before, intentionally, a fool who believed in everything that was said but now I am aware and that awareness kills me every second. I think that foolish spirit was better than now, at least I was surrounded by Positivity.
Sometimes, I wonder why people lie when ultimately it has to come out one day.
Have you ever experienced that moment when you know a person is lying but you don't speak anything? I have, many times experienced. Often, I think what if I could get the superpower to read others' minds?! You know, I used to think, as a small kid, that all elders have this power of reading each other's minds, that's why my parents and my family know what I want and they provide me with that in an instant.
Yes, a dreamy belief of childhood...but have a deeper look at this...what if that really happened...(I am taking only the positive side)...ALL MATTERS SOLVED!
If everybody would get to know what others feel or want truly, there would be no disputes on this earth.
But that is a fantasy world, my fantasy world.
Let's go away from this all...
To a place very calm, very serene, very pure...
Did you ever have that inexplicable feeling of you thinking who you are as if your mind is communicating to your soul...you are staring at one point only...and forget what is happening though you are aware of what is happening around you...that strange feeling is so so so strange.
When I get to know that a leader or politician whom I believed to be true is a fraud or that IPL matches are fixed or that political parties and coaching apps and websites are simply business-minded or that some unwise people still discriminate between boys and girls or that this whole world is full of cheats...............my thoughts burst like a volcano in my head...I get baffled...I get so occupied with such thoughts that I don't even feel like studying my favourite subjects...it gives me pain to such an extent that I feel shameful to be a part of the most intelligent species on this Earth.
...but after that, I think about our Sikh Gurus and great leaders and people who spent their entire lives serving mankind without discriminating. They opposed the badness but not the people. They also spread positivity, hope and goodness among the masses in this poor world, in the world that was deprived of human values.
Let us also try to get away from all...away from deception, cheating, evil-mindedness, negativity and above all, away from the trash thoughts of the society and of our own minds.
I would like to end this post with a powerful quote from a legend -
Question of the week:- What is the most dangerous form of humanity according to you? How do you plan to curb that?
See you in the next post!
- Sargun Saini