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Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Tuesday Talks #2 - THE YEAR 2020

Tuesday Talks #2 - THE YEAR 2020

Delete 2020...why 2020...rubbish 2020..._____ 2020
...and what not the human population on Earth is speaking about 2020!

I would say, "Just chill dude, it's just a period of time and time passes, it flies, whether good or bad.".

You should say, "Oops coronavirus!" and not "What if I am down with this disease?". 

COVID-19...coronavirus...riots...board exams postponed...earthquake...cyclone...locust attack...migration by daily wage workers...suicides and deaths of various artistes...AFTER ALL THIS, WE ARE LIKE, " W H A T ? ! ? !   I S   H A P P E N I N G ".


#1: If you are worried about the rising COVID-19 cases in India and are afraid of it, just think about the population of India (सवा सौ करोड़ देशवासी !), it is 135.26 crores (2018) and there are just over 3 lakh COVID-19 cases in India which are not even more than 1% of the total population of India. Every year 151 thousand people die of road accidents in India but no one is afraid to drive their vehicles on road. Why? why? why?! That's because they follow the rules. (I know some fools don't because they think that being cool is more important than their life). So why are we afraid this time when there are slightly over 9k deaths (May their souls rest in peace) in the country because of coronavirus. Why can't we again follow the rules and save our own life ? 97% of the things you worry about don't even happen.


#2: For those whose board exams have been postponed like me (I know it's very sad and frustrating to study the same material again and again and study the next class' syllabus side by side). Always think everything happens for your own good and there is something very big and great in God's store for you. I fortuitously came across this video of one of the most inspiring persons (for me). It's really will really motivate you...yes, it motivated me too! (a rhyme!)


#3: Cyclones, earthquakes, locust attacks, why these then? I think nature is in a mood of revenge. It has feelings. From the time, I heard about Kalki, the Horse, I always had these thoughts..." the kali yuga has come...that means Kalki will be born...that means the end of the world...that means time to unite with God...that means starting of a new age...and many other things (what should I say mmm...mythical things ???) I love studying each and every religion of the world and when I hear anything negative I just imagine a flame in front of me, a water drop as The Supreme Soul and say "help, help, help" and that instant I feel everything's ok. It really pacifies my mind. Just think 'Ek Onkar" (There is only one God).


#4: Many people are ending their lives themselves. I would say humans have no control over this. The person who does suicide (very sorry to use such a negative word here) is not a weak person or weak mind, he or she is simply "the left out one", what I mean by this is that the world does not give proper attention and opportunities to their talents. So it is 'not self-murder but it is societal murder'. Nepotism is the biggest cause of this. Even I have experienced that. When you know something is made for you and you are the right person for that but it goes to someone else just because of nepotism and favouritism, it hurts. When you are capable but nobody remembers you, it hurts. So what will a person do if not ending his or her life? Always remember not every successful person is happy. I know we have lost many good and talented actors this year but it was God's wish. Depression is nothing. It is just the trash of thoughts filled by the trash people of society.


#5: I wrote a poem for the daily wage workers who are migrating. It is really sad to see, hear and read about them in the newspapers. Their condition is pitiful. I know I am simply showing my concern towards them by writing poems and not really help. They won't get any help from me like that but I just penned down my thoughts 'cause I was really sad. I hope God helps them. I pray for them, please you also pray. (If you want to read that poem, you can tell me in the comment section, I'll post it within a few days).We are asking when will we go out of our homes but they are asking when will we reach our homes?


#6: The good things in 2020 are also many. Decreased pollution, invigorated nature, close tied families, holidays for the whole family together and much, much more. You also tell me the good and positive phases of "The Year 2020" in the comments. You remember we said, "Happy New Year 2020" to each other, I am sure God won't deny the wishes of billions of His children.

If you read the whole post, I am sure, you felt positive. Don't curse 2020 or rather anything or anyone because what you do or think comes back to you (karma boomerangs!). What you sow, shall you reap.

Question time: What positive did you find around you in 2020?
(...and suggest the topic for "Tuesday Talks #3)



  1. O. M. G. The alphabets that instantly come into my mind as soon as i read ur posts. Well i think that we should let things happen as they are happening. And this is because TIME IS A GREAT HEALER! Humans could never heal nature, so nature is healing itself, and indeed very beautifully. I think that in this phase,the good things r:
    ¤ Nature is healing
    ¤ Humans are united for one cause-to beat corona
    ¤ Families have got time to rejuvenate
    ¤ Children are getting to know the GOOD use of technology
    ¤ Children are much more relaxed than ever!
    ¤ we all have developed new skills
    ¤ we got time to explore..
    The list is endless, provided u have an insight to find goodness in everything. :)

    Wonderful blog, sargun!
    Keep it up

    1. O.M.G. such a good response! Postivity noticed!

  2. Very true this year is not that bad.Actually it is the special one out in my life.I got to spend more time with myself,nature,family.It is more easier to connect now even if apart.There is always something good hidden in the worst what we have to do is just find the golden lining in the cloud.
