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Tuesday 9 June 2020

Tuesday Talks - Top 5 games to enhance your vocabulary

Hey Buddies! Welcome to "Tuesday Talks" where every Tuesday I will be sharing very fascinating talks about anything and everything. You can ask me any question, any random questions. Also, you can suggest the topic for next Tuesday. In the end, I will also ask an interesting question. The one who gives the most creative and correct answer first will get a surprise. For this Tuesday the topic is Top 5 games to enhance your vocabulary.

I love playing Hangman with my friends and family. It is popular in my region as 'Bollywood' where one has to complete the name of a movie by filling the empty dashes where only the vowels are provided. This game is slightly different. In this game, there are as many numbers of dashes as the number of alphabets in the sentence but there will be no help in the form of vowels. A person will get 10 chances until the drawing of the man is completed in 10 steps. It is your choice if you wish to choose a particular genre. It can be played by using a pen and paper, online or any app and by as many numbers of people either as single players or as a team.

You all must have played this. In this game, a single word is given and the players have to make as many new words as they can from the given word but the words made should be meaningful and no word should be repeated.

Google Word Coach is another fabulous, I must say, an excellent game. You can search for Google Word Coach on Google and it will show you something like the above image. It makes you practise your vocabulary. You even get your scores. In the end, even the correct answers are provided. You can also save it on the home screen of your phone. So next time when you are free, try this.

We all have played this game also. It is a very common thing to be seen in most of the newspapers. It requires a lot of attention and memory power. In this game, you have to complete the crossword puzzle by fitting your answers to the questions in the puzzle.

This game has been, probably, played by everyone. You have to find the words given from the scrambled word board. It is a very good practice of spellings.

You can even play these games.

Question Time : What is the longest word that you can type with the alphabets present in the first row of the computer keyboard ? Good Luck !

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